Tag Archives: incision

How long is the Tummy Tuck incision?

Length of the Tummy Tuck Incision

The length of the tummy tuck incision varies depending on the amount of tissue needed to be removed.  The greater the amount of tissue removed, the longer the scar.  The incision discussed here is the horizontal incision that is located very low on the bottom of the abdomen.

Short incision are usually found in the mini tummy tuck where the belly button is left alone, and thus the area of removal is relatively lesser than a full tummy tuck.  In the mini tummy tuck the “shorter” incision is probably within the hip bones.  This could probably be less than 12 inches.

Longer incisions are found in the full tummy tuck.  The longer incision accommodates a wider elliptical shape of the tissue removed (skin and the underlying adipose tissue, adipose = fat).  This could be from one side to the other side.  Sometimes the surgeons say it’s from one side of the table to the other side of the table.

And in some cases the incision can go all the way around the body, but this gets into a discussion of belt lipectomy which is a different operation.  So in general if you’re looking for a tummy tuck, this all around incision isn’t what’s in store.

Of course, this discussion about abdominoplasty incision length is a personal one which depends on your surgeon’s preferences as well.  So this discussion is best done personally one-on-one with your plastic surgeon.  If you’re in Modesto or close to us in Modesto, CA – we hope you’ll have a chance to visit us for a Tummy Tuck consultation.

Dr. Tammy Wu & Dr. Calvin Lee.   Surgical Artistry, Modesto, CA.   www.SurgeryToday.com (209) 551-1888

Dr. Tammy Wu & Dr. Calvin Lee.
Surgical Artistry, Modesto, CA.
(209) 551-1888